Gabby Aguinaldo

As a former Rockridge Little School teacher, I wanted to share with everyone (in the world!) what an amazing place it is. When you enter the school, you can immediately feel the magic in the air. The teachers are a mixture of warmth, creativity, silliness, and drive. It is because of this combination that the kids are able to learn at the highest level while still getting to be kids!. In the beginning of my time at RLS, Holly told me she believed that the teachers were the heart of the school. I have worked at other schools with set curriculum and strict molds of how a teacher should be. Holly trusts that her teachers know what is best for their group’s style of learning.
RLS is a place where children can imagine, create, learn, play, AND be themselves. I only wish every preschool child could have the same amazing education as the children at RLS receive!"

Amy Gregg