Holly Gold, Founder
I have always loved children and knew at a young age that my life’s work would be about contributing to their lives. By the time I finished High School, I was reading books and writing papers about Maria Montessori. I have worked in a number of preschools since that time and have explored many other approaches to working with young children.
After completing my undergraduate work at University of California, Santa Barbara, I moved to San Francisco and began working at Larkin Street Youth Center, an agency serving homeless and run-away teens. In 1989 I received my Master’s Degree in Social Work from San Francisco State University. Since then, I’ve worked with Camp Sunburst Children’s AIDS Project, the Haight Ashbury Free Clinics, and as Program Director of Big Brothers Big Sisters of San Francisco.
Prior to opening Rockridge Little School, I served as Executive Director of Ala Costa Center. In 2003 I was recognized by the City of Berkeley as an outstanding woman of the year for my work on behalf of children. In 2000, I was also awarded a LeaderSpring Fellowship (formally called Eureka) in recognition of my community leadership. Through the Eureka Fellowship, I came to realize my dream of opening my own school. I have traveled to China and Cuba as an Early Childhood delegate with People to People. Interesting fact is that my daughter Bella attended RLS during our first year.
I believe that children thrive when they are surrounded by adults who care for them and who are able to take the time to know them as individuals. I have seen many preschool programs. My vision is to create an environment where children and their parents feel inspired.