What should I bring on the first day?

Lunch, a water bottle, a change of clothes, a set of diapers to keep at school, a sleeping bag…and a lovey if needed. You can take home your water bottle each day and bring it back in the morning.

How do I communicate with the teachers?

Once we get settled you will be able to easily talk to the teachers during drop off and pick up. There are also several other ways to share information.

Parent Log: Feel free to use the parent communication log to let us know information about your child (i.e. She didn’t sleep well last night, there’s a new baby at home, etc.). We will help you find the log on the first day of school.

Nap/Potty Log: Teachers will keep a log with info about nap and potty. You can check that each day when you pick up.

Phone calls: Feel free to call us to check in during the day. In the beginning of the year when drop-off and pick-up times are busiest, phone conversations are often easier. Please feel free to call if your child has a difficult drop off. (In fact, we will call you.) We are happy to let you know how s/he is doing.

Email: Teachers do not use email to communicate about children since we believe human interaction is best for personal connections. You are welcome to email or text about information though (absences, a heads up about your child’s mood or other info that will help us to care best for your little one.

Blog: Be sure to check the blog each day to see what is happening at school!

Does my child need to be potty trained?

No, we approach potty training by making it fun and low stress. At the beginning of the school year we have several regularly scheduled potty breaks. In addition we will know the individual needs of each child. During the first few weeks as we are getting to know your child it is helpful if you can share any special information with your child’s teacher.

Should I pick up early in the beginning?

It can be helpful for some kids, but do not worry if you can’t pick up early. Kids learn the routine by experiencing it, so it is best to be as consistent as possible in the beginning. The best pick up times are 12:45 (before nap), 3:00 (after nap), or anytime between 3:00-5:30. If you are planning to pick up early, please write it in the Parent Log.

Can I stay with my child in the mornings while s/he adjusts to school?

We have found that it is best to tour the classroom with your child on the first day, introduce her/him to the teachers help them get settled into an activity and then leave. You can remind them that the teachers can help if they need to go potty, have a drink of water, or want a hug. Please ask a teacher for assistance if you need help leaving.

We have noticed that if a child is having a hard time saying good-bye, it is very stressful if the parent lingers. Children often become anxious with the anticipation of saying good-bye. In the beginning children often wait until their parents leave before allowing themselves to become fully engaged in classroom activities.

Is it a good idea to sneak out to avoid the interrupting my child’s play?

No. NEVER sneak out. It is always best to say good-bye and then leave. Also, once you leave do not sneak back in. Children do best when you are straightforward. It helps them know what to expect.

Can my child bring her/his lovey, binky or sippy cup to school?

Yes. During the first week of school we let children have the things from home that make them feel comfortable. Around the second week of school we will encourage them to keep those items in their cubbies and bring them out as needed (naptime, etc). Our goal is to avoid sippy cups at school and to have lovies only at naptime, but please do not take these things away in preparation for school.

What if my child gets hungry or thirsty?

We have a morning snack, lunch and then an afternoon snack and the kids also have access to their water bottles all day. After nap, we encourage kids to revisit their lunch leftovers in case they are still hungry. Please remember to pack items in containers that your child can easily open themselves.

How will I get to know other families?

All parents are invited to the back to school night in September. We will also have a play date in the park in September. Once school starts we will send out a class list with contact info.

Try to remember that you decided to send your child to school because you thought it would be a good experience at this point in her/his life. It was not a decision that you made lightly. It is best to communicate a sense of confidence to your child even when you are struggling with separation yourself.